
Home Studio is done! Ready for Students!!

After a brief sabbatical from blogging, I am back!  I have gotten my Parkway Classroom ready and the kiddos had a blast last week doing a Painted Paper lesson.  Lots of mess, giggles, and a few tears over a spot or two of paint on new school clothes. We had so much fun and I gave my janitor heart palpitations! HeeHee!

My Home Studio is READY!

Now all I need are students willing to have an adventure with me after school.  In this studio we will explore all kinds of cool art techniques that we can't do in the regular classroom on my campus. 

I love how it turned out and super proud of it.  
This is me painting some old Victrola records I found in my know, cuz everyone just has some random Victrola records laying around.  I mean, really?  Don't you? 

I reused some shelving I had left over from my gigantic TV entertainment center and organized my paints and papers in beautiful bins a friend of mine bought me over the summer.  I had a little fit about a sale at Target that I was missing while on vacation and my dear friend took pity on me and went shopping for me!  I think they are beautiful even if they were out of the Blue! :-(  

If any of you were following my frantic Kitchen Remodel on FB you may recognize the apron hanger.  It is the decorative piece that came off the top of the dresser we used as our kitchen island.  We added 5 hooks and hunk it on the wall....not knowing that we screwed the pocket door closed.  OOPS! Had to do a little readjustment on that particular screw!  

My records came out perfect!  I love this wall in the studio.  I reused the drawers from the dresser as shelving as well as some random drawers I had saved in the attic for just this type of project.  I think they have been up there for about 10 years!  Every time Mr. Art asks me if he can throw them away, I say "NO!  I have plans for those!......eventually...."  And look how cute they turned out!

I have tons of cool stuff we are going to play with and can not wait to get started. 

The walls are a little bare for my taste, but I plan to add artwork as we create it.  Girl Child #1 is working on a painting as we speak to go over the aprons.  Should be cute.  

If you or someone you know is interested in taking private art lessons on Thursday evenings from 6pm - 7pm please let me know.  Email me, FB Message me, call me, send me a smoke single.....I am married to an Indian you know! HA!  Just let me know.  
 Classes are $120 per month, once a week.  

I have ordered art kits from Arsel Art in Dallas to ready for our first class on September 6th.  

Looking forward to starting this adventure!