
4th Grade Wenzel Hablik Universe

Wenzel Hablik was a Czech artist (1881-1934) who specialized in German Expressionism.  His paintings of Utopian cities and imaginary universes are thought to have been inspired by nature.  Hablik collected crystals and used them to inspire man of his painting.  For this lesson, his painting, Sternenhimmel, 1909 offers a great example of fine art inspired by our universe. 

This lesson is quite expressive and allows for multiple techniques to be used: splatter painting, shading, stenciling and composition. This is a lesson from Deep Space Sparkle.  

I look forward to seeing all the creative universes the students will create!


1st Grade Line, Color, and Pattern

In this lesson from Deep Space Sparkle students create a large flower, filling the paper and adding pattern to each flower peddle  of the flower. Students learn the different lines and how to draw them, as well as being super creative in their painting techniques.  


3rd Grade Pastel Planets

3rd Graders are going to love this lesson creating their own outer space compositions.  We will learn about space through literature and science connections, preparing them for their creative spin on planets in space.  Splatter paint is the highlight of this lesson.  I mean come on!  What kid doesn't love to make a mess with splatter paint!?!


2nd Grade Watercolor Rockets

This week 2nd Grade will be doing Watercolor Rockets.  This lesson offers the opportunity to use a multitude of mediums and gives the imagination room to run wild! In this lesson, children learn to draw a simple line drawing of a space shuttle using a guide or a template with oil pastel or crayon.  This is going to become one of my favorite units from Deep Space Sparkle!  If you know me, you know I am a Sparkler through and through. 


2018-19 Art Club Calendar

Calendar dates are subject to change. 


First Meeting of Art Club

We had a blast our first meeting of the 20018-19 PTPE Art Club!  We have started our first project and are super excited to display it in the hall. 

We are creating a hot air balloon from a worms eye view. It is pretty exciting.  We are talking about shading, perspective, and scale. We will display them on the ceiling of the Art/Music hall at Parkway for a bit and then they will not reemerge until the EOY Art Show.  It will be one of my favorite displays I can already tell!!!!

Thank you for sharing your child with me this year.  I have a spectacular group and am excited about the work they will produce.



The past two weeks we have been rediscovering lines and all they can do for our drawings.  I am introducing them to the 1st graders and reintroducing them to the 2nd - 4th graders. It is always fun getting antiquated again with our favorites. 

1st grade drew a Paul Klee inspired cat.  I do not have pictures of this lesson.  They are currently in a bag waiting to be uploaded to Artsonia.  I have not had the upload lesson just yet with 1st graders.  I usually wait to introduce Artsonia until the 2nd semester. They are still just learning the basics of the art room and to add another thing is just too much for my Littles. 

I should say, these are all lessons from  Deep Space Sparkle Member's Club.  
Any of you who have followed me for a while know these are my absolute FAVORITE lessons to do.  They are tried, true, and pretend art teacher proof! LOL!  

2nd Grade had fun with line and pattern with this Paul Klee Man.  Some thought he was a robot, others thought an alien, but we all had fun with the lines, shapes, and pattern.  These were created with a black oil pastel directed drawing and painted the next week. 

3rd Grade used the new Crayola Oil Pastels to create these beautiful Castles and Suns.  We drew the castle with a white oil pastel the first day and the next they had to fill each shape created with the oil pastels. They turned out beautifully and I will always order Crayola oil pastels in the future.  The colors are so bright and beautiful! On the black construction paper they really pop!

4th Grade also did a Paul Klee inspired drawing.  I didn't tell them this but they did this exact lesson when they were in 2nd grade.  The improvement was amazing!  This is another reason I love having my students for 4 years in a row.  I get to see the progression of their talent.  We created this drawing with a black oil pastel on white paper  one week and painted it with temper cakes the next week. These turned out so great! 


This Week in the Art Room

So, during  one of my 4th Grade classes this past week, I asked my students to put their pencils up, as in back in the container on the table, and this is what I got!  
I almost peed my pants laughing so hard.  You got to understand, these are my GT kiddos, the brightest of the bright.  When I posted this on my FB page, my coworker explained these were her darlings from last year and "pencils up" means time's up, stop, look and listen!  
She trained them well! 
I can already tell, I am going to love this group of kiddos!  They have a great since of humor!