
Matisse Makers

What a week it has been!!! And it is only Tuesday! Last week we introduced a very interesting character known as Henri Matisse.  What a guy!  We finished up the first of our projects yesterday and they are turning out amazing.  My first graders are learning how to trace a circle.  We are drawing a bowl of apples and having a blast mixing colors. 

Before we started this lesson, we did a little color mixing worksheet.  

While the kiddos paint I have played a video with 10 facts about Henri Matisse.  This video is kid friendly and offers children an introduction to Henri Matisse. 

My second graders are exploring color mixing and painting some panels with paper cutouts for emphasis. 

Third graders are exploring color mixing and painting Matisse's Goldfish.  These have turned out so beautiful.  

Fourth graders are also reviewing color mixing and drawing our first figure.  I have always stayed away from drawing people strictly due to my own feelings of  of course so it was quite interesting to see how these turned out.