
Australian Unit at Parkway

1st Grade Painted Platypus

1st Grade Painted Platypus

As many of you already know, I LOVE my Deep Space Sparkle Membership and use it all the time.  I found these lessons from the Australian Bundle and fell in love with them.  

My 1st Graders enjoyed learning about the Platypus and drawing their little platypus on a rock.  In this lesson, students watched a short informative video on the Platypus, we discussed the unusual features of this "extra parts" animal. LOL!  

We drew it with oil pastel and painted it with our Tempera Cakes. 

2nd Grade Ice Cream Sandwich Boxes

Second grade is busy creating their Clay Ice Cream Sandwiches. This has been a 3 week lesson due to the every changing school schedule.  Gotta love that unexpected pep rally thrown in without notice! 
This year for our EOY Art Show Ceramic Theme we will be Parkway Elementary Pastry Shop.  All grade levels are doing a dessert of some kind. I'll make a separate post for 1st grade's spilled ice creams. They turned out so cute!!

3rd Grade Koala Selfie

Third Grade studied the Koala and his unique self. Students explored VALUE, Color mixing, and SHAPE.  We drew our Koala's with oil pastel and colored our tree and leaves with 2 or more colors of oil pastels.  Then, we painted out koala's by creating different values of gray by double loading our brush with black and white.  

This was a 2 day lesson.  The second day we added texture to our Koalas with chalk pastels over the dry tempera paint and painted our background. 

Day 1 Video

Day 2 Video

4th Grade G,Day! Mate!

In this lesson we explored color mixing through double loading our brushes and Aboriginal Dot Painting. The first day we painted the background and started our dot painting.  The second day, we finished our background, drew our Cockatoo and cut and pasted it to our background. This lesson tested the students patients with all the tiny dots they had to put into the background.  Many, especially my boys, became frustrated with the tediousness of the task. 

They turned out so cute and I let the students choose the color they highlighted their bird with. 

Day 1 of G,Day! Mate!

Day 1 G,Day! Mate!

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