
First Clay Project with 1st Grade

I know it has been a while and I want to apologize!  I have been expressly busy after I returned from TAEA and it has truly been a marathon of clay projects with 1st and 2nd graders and Christmas Musical Program practices with 4th Graders!  But.....the end is near...Just 1 1/2 more days until the blessed Christmas Break commences!  YIPPPPPYYYYY

But, in the meantime, I would like to give you a little update!

First, as soon as I returned from TAEA I prepped my clay to begin Clay Birds with 1st Graders!  Thanks Cassie Stephens for a fantastic lesson!  This lesson took me 3 (45 min) class periods.

Cassie Stephens Clay Birds

Preping my clay:

I made myself a slab cutter from some scrap 2"x4" I had in the garage from a recent project (bunk beds for my son).  I used the eye hooks as a tightener and 20 gage wire.  I think in the future, I will use a more flexable wire.  This is very stiff and heard to wind and work with.

I strung a center wire to cut my slabs in half.  I cut up a cheep dollar store plastic table cloth into rectangles to place between the clay slabs and put 20 into a bag.  I did 8 bags for 12 bags to accommodate myself and about 200 students with a little extra just in case.

Day 1:  We constructed our birds.  This was a learning experience for both myself and the 1st graders.  Next time I will do a trial run with play dough before we dive into real clay.
Day 2: We used the tempera cakes to paint our birds.  This worked fine until it came time to "glaze".
Day 3:  We used Mod Podge to "glaze" our birds.  Again, this was a learning experience.  Next time I will dip the birds into a Mod Podge bath and hang dry.  Painting smeared the tempera paint and caused some birds to change colors as the tempera mixed with the Mod Podge.  OR... I may just use acrylic paint....uggghhhh....maybe not..We are talking about 1st graders!


What's Up in the Art Room

TAEA at Galveston, TX

It has been a busy few weeks for me.  I have been frantically preparing for our Texas Art Educators Association Conference in Galveston, TX.  I have been stressing, planning, planning and stressing for the past two weeks and now that it is over I can finally breath again!

The kiddo's are working on Color Theory in the Art Room and doing an amazing job.  I am excited about our new procedure that I learned at conference.  We will be reading, or rather listening to, a chapter a day from a book called "Sideways Stories from Wayside School"  by Louis Sachar.  It is silly stories that the kids are already in love with.  Hopefully, it will last us until the end of the school year.

We have a new friend I made while at Conference.  We are have name nominations this week and we will vote on his name next week.  Take a look and let me know what you think!
Name that Gnome

First Art Club Meeting!!

We have had our first Art Club meeting and it was a great success!  Thanks goes to Cassie Stephens for this amazing chalk lesson.

Although we did not use black glue as she instructed, they still turned out great!!!

We traced some hastily done fishy templates with a pencil and traced over them with a black oil pastel.  We then filled our fishies with warm chalk pastel colors.  Using the black oil pastel we divided up the background into different spaces and filled each of those in chalk pastel cool colors.  Students "massaged" the chalk into the paper with small circular motions and I love them how they turned out!

They really did an amazing job!!



The past two weeks we have been talking about the element of Line in all grades.  I try to keep some continuity throughout the lessons just because it makes it easier for me.  Helps me remember what we are doing, how we are doing it and saves time.  I have absolutely NO spare minutes between classes.  As one class is leaving the room, another is waiting outside the room to come in.

This lesson was a great success.  It helped review Line for my 2nd-4th Graders and introduced the vocabulary of different lines for my 1st Graders.  It also reminded my older grades how FAST Art Class really is!

I have 45 minutes to load the chairs, introduce the lesson, present the technique, pass out the paper (I don't put the paper on the table because I have some that can not resist getting started before they even know what is expected for the day!), give expectations, and our goals for the day.  I let the kids go on their own and 10 minutes before class ends I have a bell that rings to warn they have 5 minutes left to work.  A second bell rings 5 minutes after that and this is their signal to CLEAN UP!!  This gives us 5 minutes to clean up and get the classroom ready for the next class, go over our expectations of the day (did you do our standard 6 expectations which I will post about later), and reveal our Secret Student.  All before the teacher shows up to pick up his/her students.

This lesson really reminded the students that time FLIES in the art room!!

Thanks goes to Patty Palmer at Deep Space Sparkle for our lessons this week.  You will see this a lot!  I am an official Sparkler and LOVE the lessons offered to Members in the Members Club.  As soon as she offered this club I joined right away and have enjoyed AMAZING art in my room ever since.  She has so many more years experience than I and I learn something every time I do a lesson from DSS!

My First lesson was with 4th Grade.  We watched a short Youtube video on St. Basil and Ivan the Terrible and the construction of St. Basil's Cathedral.  We looked at the construction, discussed what Lines we see on the outside of the Cathedral.  
Students sketch their Cathedrals on White paper, adding pattern to show contrast, and tracing with a sharpie.

On the second day, students chose 3 chalk pastels from the same color family and starting at the top of the paper with their darkest color we discussed cross hatching the chalk and "massaging" the color into the paper.  The middle of the paper is for the medium color, and the bottom of the paper their lightest color.  They blended with small circular motions with ONE finger.  This was difficult for many students and I had lots of whole hand smearing going on!  Next they cut out their Cathedral's and glued them to the new background.  The end result is amazing!!  They look so great hanging in the hallway, however I had a lot of students not finish. They spent too much time on intricate patterns and ran out of time.  

3rd Grade looked at Line and Shape.  We drew delivery trucks using our basic shapes......rectangles, squares, circles, and triangles.  We discussed where we see delivery trucks, what are some of the things they deliver, and what would your delivery truck deliver to you.  I got everything from Toxic Gas to a Giant Bowl of Spaghetti with a Huge Meatball!  LOL!  

Students followed the same process, sketching lightly and tracing with a Sharpie.

On Day 2 they finished coloring their trucks.  It was difficult to get students to NOT add a background because it has been sung for years to FILL UP THE SPACE and do the background.  Students then got another sheet of paper and drew a scene.  Where is your delivery truck going?  They then cut out their trucks and glued them to their background.  I think they did an amazing job!  Again, many did not finish.  

2nd Grade  read the book Elmer the Elephant by David McKee.

Students followed a Directed Line Drawing to draw their Elmer and then added whatever pattern they wanted.  They sketched with a pencil and traced with a Sharpie, finally coloring with markers. 

As you can see, it is VERY busy in the Art Room and I forgot to take pictures of the finished elephants.  I will post the finished work soon.  They really turned out great!
1st Grade learned what each line is called, how to draw them, and then took their favorite 4 for a walk across their paper.  Clifford even came by for a visit and learn about LINE!
Students then used tempera cakes to paint LOTS and LOTS of color in the different spaces their lines made.  


New Friends in the Library

Today's post is centered around the amazing School Community I am apart of at Pine Tree ISD.  The High School Fine Art's department has been a constant source of support for my growing program at the Elementary level.

I want to give a big shout our to Wayne Gaddis, art teacher extraordinaire at PTHS for donating these happy characters to our campus!  I wanted to find a place for them in my room.....but after I got them back to our campus I knew they needed live in the Library!  And boy have they been a big hit! 

The teacher and student have all enjoyed them and books are flying off the shelves as students are inspired to read about their favorite characters.

These happy little faces encourage the students and really are just fun to look at.  If you get a chance, come visit our library, volunteer to shelve books and enjoy these amazing pieces of art!


Painted Paper

This past week we restocked our supply of Painted Paper with a little help from Pattie Palmer at DSS.

I have been a member since it's launch and it has been a Godsend!  I am only on my fourth year as an Art Teacher and I have really relied on those who have been doing this successfully for years.  I read Art Blogs excessively!  Much to my Administration's dismay.  It's where I get my best ideas! 

The students had a BLAST with this lesson, everyone from my 1st graders to my 4th graders.  Whenever you can get as messy as possible in the Art Room it is a good day.  Poor Mr. G (my janitor) almost had a heart attach when he saw the carnage Friday after a week of Painted paper.  What a mess....but the smiles were worth it!

Look at that smile!!  This little darling LOVED making this mess and coming out with a masterpiece!  
We started out by painting the background one solid color. 

Another Ham! 

After we got our background painted we worked quickly to add a few our favorite patterns in a contrasting color.   All the layers much be wet for the next step to work....

Next the students got to use all the cool texture tools I gathered from the Art Room magic cabinets.  It's cabinets have magical Mary Popins powers.  I found paint scrapers, "Grape Juice" corks (totally donated by a parent...),  marker lids, all sorts of bottle tops in various sizes, and out dated Gift Cards from that favorite place with the chicken pushing Jersey cows cut with my scrapbook scissors in different patterns along 3 edges.   This evidently is a punishable offence in the eyes of children everywhere because the students almost expired when they discovered them in the trays!  It was touch and go there for a while with the mighty mites!  How could you Mrs. Scaggs?!?!  

After they had fun stamping, scraping, swishing, swirling, and swiping they got to their favorite part of the lesson.  I let the splatter the paper with paint!  I know, crazy right?  But they really did a great job keeping it on the paper and painting place mats.

Now we have a good supply of Painted Paper for future art lessons throughout the year.  If only I could find a place in my magical cabinets to store over 600 pieces of painted paper.  It was a short, 4 day week for I am missing a whole day of papers.


2017-2018 Art Club Application

Click on the link below to download a PDF of this year's Art Club Application.  Hope this is helpful for those who have lost the copy I sent  home.

Art Club is for 3rd & 4th Graders only.

Until I can figure out how to upload this application without allowing you to edit, please do not change this application.  Just print it and fill it in by hand.

Return it to Parkway Elementary by September 15, 2017.

2017-2018 Art Club Application


First Day in the Art Room

Students were given the challenge of finding 10 different QR Codes posted around the room and watching the videos I created using tellagami Edu app on my iPad.  Each video gave a little information and a procedure for that area of the classroom and I did not have to do all the talking!  It was great!!  The students had fun finishing the Scavenger hunt and I got to keep my voice.  Usually by the end of the week the first week of school I have no voice left.  I know I should be letting the kiddos create the first day of school, but I just can't bring myself to make a mess this first day.  Plus, i need them to review what to do, where to go, how to solve problems themselves, and depend more on each other and less on me.

I believe next year I will only do this with my 1st and 2nd graders.  I will have had my 3rd and 4th graders for 3 years and I believe they will be able to recall my procedures and rules well by next year.  Last year we went from a 3rd and 4th grade campus to a 1st - 4th campus.  I am overjoyed that I will have my babies for 4  years.  This will offer a consistency in instruction and I will get to watch their skills and abilities grow over the next 4 years.

What do you do the first day of school?  I am always looking for new ideas and insight.  I have only been at this gig for 4 years and I know I have a LOT to learn!!  


The Art Room

A few pictures of my classroom for this year.  It took me quite a while to decide on my door.  I had finally decided on a design when my BFF the music teacher who is right next door to me totally stepped it up!  Wish I had pics of her door...I will get some and add them later, but she totally ROCKED the Deck your Door challenge!  I had to rethink my design totally and come up with something just as awesome! So....This is what I came up with.  Our theme is 
Growing Greatness....Whatever it Takes!

Not super excited about this board, but I will add to it as the year goes along.

The Gallery Board.  Last year I had frames on a black background and it took up the entire wall to the floor.  But this year I had to reduce the size to accommodate my drying racks.  So this is my compromise...Only students that get complemented by other students on their excellent work get on The Gallery Wall.  Makes them feel very special.  What they don't realize is I hang EVERYONE'S artwork in the hallway, all 800.  But there is something special in a child's mind about The Gallery Wall.

This brick wall and I have a love/hate relationship.  I love that I have an "accent" wall.  Something different to break up the boring white walls, but getting ANYTHING to stick to this wall is impossible.  It is weird brick,  it has this "grit" all over the wall.  Ticky Tack is no match for this monster wall!  BUT! I have discovered its Kryptonite...Hot Glue!  Shhhhhhhhh!  Don't tell Facility Services/Maintenance!  I also had to use 3M outdoor double sided tape to mount that white board to the wall.  

We use the C.H.A.M.P.S.  behavior management in our district so we have to have the Champs posted in the room.  You are supposed to move tabs up and down the board to let the students know what the expectation.  Instead of listing every expectation I do it all in one word...well two words...I use the Mona Lisa approach.  I say Mona and the students say Lisa.  We go over the first day of Art Class the expectation of Mona Lisa.  Mona sits with her 
1.  Noises off (Conversation - C)
2.  Body is still (Movement - M)
3.  Eyes are on the Speaker - (Activity - A)
4.  Hands are in their lap (Participation - P)

H and S are a given.  Students are listening to instruction and success is the end product in all Art Projects.


First Day of School

Well, I am about a week late but better late than never.  Here are our first day of school pics.  This is the first of many posts for this new blog and I wanted to start it with my three favorite people!  Bug and Little Man were super excited and bounded out of the bed bushy tailed and ready to go!  Little Man will be attending our local Montessori School and Bug is starting the 1st grade.  

Notice the strained and forced smile on Mads face?  Not so excited to start the 6th grade!! She did NOT bound out of the bed, but rather slid out from under the covers and slithered to the floor as if her legs were made of Jello, moaning and groaning the whole time! 

This will be the first year of four that Bug will be on my campus.  I am so excited to have her in my class for the next 4 years and can't wait for Little Man to come to me.  In 2 years there will be 3 Scaggs on the same campus!  Watch OUT!!

These three are my heart and I love them beyond anything else in this world!  

My AP send me this picture of Bug discovering "Magic Wishing Clay" .  The Clay turns colors after you make a wish and her class wished for a fantastic year!  This is my texture kid and look at that face!  LOL!  Yuck! She is thinking "Thank GOODNESS this is in a bag!"  

Looking forward to a fantastic new year with my 1st - 4th graders and a new adventure each and every day!