
New Friends in the Library

Today's post is centered around the amazing School Community I am apart of at Pine Tree ISD.  The High School Fine Art's department has been a constant source of support for my growing program at the Elementary level.

I want to give a big shout our to Wayne Gaddis, art teacher extraordinaire at PTHS for donating these happy characters to our campus!  I wanted to find a place for them in my room.....but after I got them back to our campus I knew they needed live in the Library!  And boy have they been a big hit! 

The teacher and student have all enjoyed them and books are flying off the shelves as students are inspired to read about their favorite characters.

These happy little faces encourage the students and really are just fun to look at.  If you get a chance, come visit our library, volunteer to shelve books and enjoy these amazing pieces of art!

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