
Painted Paper

This past week we restocked our supply of Painted Paper with a little help from Pattie Palmer at DSS.

I have been a member since it's launch and it has been a Godsend!  I am only on my fourth year as an Art Teacher and I have really relied on those who have been doing this successfully for years.  I read Art Blogs excessively!  Much to my Administration's dismay.  It's where I get my best ideas! 

The students had a BLAST with this lesson, everyone from my 1st graders to my 4th graders.  Whenever you can get as messy as possible in the Art Room it is a good day.  Poor Mr. G (my janitor) almost had a heart attach when he saw the carnage Friday after a week of Painted paper.  What a mess....but the smiles were worth it!

Look at that smile!!  This little darling LOVED making this mess and coming out with a masterpiece!  
We started out by painting the background one solid color. 

Another Ham! 

After we got our background painted we worked quickly to add a few our favorite patterns in a contrasting color.   All the layers much be wet for the next step to work....

Next the students got to use all the cool texture tools I gathered from the Art Room magic cabinets.  It's cabinets have magical Mary Popins powers.  I found paint scrapers, "Grape Juice" corks (totally donated by a parent...),  marker lids, all sorts of bottle tops in various sizes, and out dated Gift Cards from that favorite place with the chicken pushing Jersey cows cut with my scrapbook scissors in different patterns along 3 edges.   This evidently is a punishable offence in the eyes of children everywhere because the students almost expired when they discovered them in the trays!  It was touch and go there for a while with the mighty mites!  How could you Mrs. Scaggs?!?!  

After they had fun stamping, scraping, swishing, swirling, and swiping they got to their favorite part of the lesson.  I let the splatter the paper with paint!  I know, crazy right?  But they really did a great job keeping it on the paper and painting place mats.

Now we have a good supply of Painted Paper for future art lessons throughout the year.  If only I could find a place in my magical cabinets to store over 600 pieces of painted paper.  It was a short, 4 day week for I am missing a whole day of papers.

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