
First Day in the Art Room

Students were given the challenge of finding 10 different QR Codes posted around the room and watching the videos I created using tellagami Edu app on my iPad.  Each video gave a little information and a procedure for that area of the classroom and I did not have to do all the talking!  It was great!!  The students had fun finishing the Scavenger hunt and I got to keep my voice.  Usually by the end of the week the first week of school I have no voice left.  I know I should be letting the kiddos create the first day of school, but I just can't bring myself to make a mess this first day.  Plus, i need them to review what to do, where to go, how to solve problems themselves, and depend more on each other and less on me.

I believe next year I will only do this with my 1st and 2nd graders.  I will have had my 3rd and 4th graders for 3 years and I believe they will be able to recall my procedures and rules well by next year.  Last year we went from a 3rd and 4th grade campus to a 1st - 4th campus.  I am overjoyed that I will have my babies for 4  years.  This will offer a consistency in instruction and I will get to watch their skills and abilities grow over the next 4 years.

What do you do the first day of school?  I am always looking for new ideas and insight.  I have only been at this gig for 4 years and I know I have a LOT to learn!!  

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