
First Day of School

Well, I am about a week late but better late than never.  Here are our first day of school pics.  This is the first of many posts for this new blog and I wanted to start it with my three favorite people!  Bug and Little Man were super excited and bounded out of the bed bushy tailed and ready to go!  Little Man will be attending our local Montessori School and Bug is starting the 1st grade.  

Notice the strained and forced smile on Mads face?  Not so excited to start the 6th grade!! She did NOT bound out of the bed, but rather slid out from under the covers and slithered to the floor as if her legs were made of Jello, moaning and groaning the whole time! 

This will be the first year of four that Bug will be on my campus.  I am so excited to have her in my class for the next 4 years and can't wait for Little Man to come to me.  In 2 years there will be 3 Scaggs on the same campus!  Watch OUT!!

These three are my heart and I love them beyond anything else in this world!  

My AP send me this picture of Bug discovering "Magic Wishing Clay" .  The Clay turns colors after you make a wish and her class wished for a fantastic year!  This is my texture kid and look at that face!  LOL!  Yuck! She is thinking "Thank GOODNESS this is in a bag!"  

Looking forward to a fantastic new year with my 1st - 4th graders and a new adventure each and every day!  

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